Research conducted by Rutgers alumna Renee Boucher for her honors thesis was recently published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Ms. Boucher received financial support for her work from CHES in the form of a Barry C. Lembersky Undergraduate Research Award. Her co-authors include CHES members Hylke N. de Jong and Erin R. Vogel, CHES alumnus Shauhin E. Alavi (now at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Constance, Germany), and Linda V. Godfrey from Rutgers’ Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Ms. Boucher is now in the anthropology graduate program at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she is building upon the foundation created by her undergraduate thesis.
Here are the details about this publication:
Boucher, R.D., Alavi, S.E., de Jong, H.N., Godfrey, L.V. and Vogel, E.R., 2021. Stable isotope evidence (Fe, Cu) suggests that sex, but not aging is recorded in rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.